Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

1.College Coaches will find me: College coaches have a process to weed out players. This process is not to find players it is to eliminate players. There is a big difference between finding and eliminating. In the elimination process Coaches begin with identifying potential players for their program. They get prospects names from a variety of places including, national publications, well-connected HS coaches, personal scouting (only the big schools as budgets have cut most of this type of work in the process), former alumni, and newspaper articles. The emergence of the internet and highly-respected scouting companies has stepped in to fill the gap created by budgets slashing and coaching staffs being cut. This identification process requires a hopeful athlete to get as much universal exposure as possible. The proactive athlete will get into the coaches identification funnel well before the athlete who is awaiting the COACH to find them! Coaches
IDENTIFY and ELIMINATE, remember this key concept!

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