Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Gloria Rand
  • Female
  • Oviedo, FL
  • United States
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Gloria Rand's Friends

  • Your Neighborhood Eats
  • Dan Norris
  • Di-Anne Di Re
  • Noreen Coutain-Monticeux
  • Jannese Garcia
  • The BOSS
  • Heidi Walker
  • Steffani Martino
  • Michelle Valentine
  • Tim Howard
  • Robie
  • Stacey L. McKay
  • Melissa Lazarus
  • Sue Copening


Does Anybody Really Know What Time it is?

Wow – it’s been 5 years since I last wrote on this blog. Every once in a while I get an email from WordPress saying I have a new subscriber, which always cracks me up because I guess they don’t realize there haven’t been any new posts in a lonnnngggg time. Why is that? I… Continue reading Does Anybody Really Know What Time it is?

Pruning the Garden of Your Mind

I’ve been working with a counselor lately. It’s the latest attempt by me to get rid of the limiting beliefs and thoughts that have been holding me back for years. And better yet, to replace them with empowering beliefs. We had a big freeze in Florida a few weeks back. And my beautiful firecracker bushes… Continue reading Pruning the Garden of Your Mind

Gloria Rand's Page

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Owner & SEO Copywriter
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I work with companies to make sure they are using the latest Search Engine Optimization strategies, social media & marketing trends for the biggest impact on their bottom line.

My goal is to deliver keyword-rich copy that not only gets company websites noticed by search engines, it converts that increased traffic into sales.
How did you HEAR/LEARN about the Connections Groups? If it was through a member or person... what is their name? (Give them KUDOS/Buzz!)
Sue Copening

Gloria Rand's Blog

Why You Need to Attend Internet Marketing Success Summit

Posted on September 2, 2014 at 5:47pm 0 Comments

Are you tired of seeing your competitors succeed while you struggle to get more clients and cash for your business? 

Are social media activities draining your time and energy, instead of helping you generate more leads and sales? 

Are you ready to discover how Internet Marketing can help you convert prospects into loyal…


How to Add Video to Your Emails

Posted on October 17, 2010 at 12:20pm 1 Comment

Want to get the best ROI for your email marketing efforts? Start including video. A new survey by the Web Video Marketing Council found that 7 in 10 marketers currently use video in their emails because they believe it helps increase their click through rates. And the same number feel consumers are more likely to buy after viewing an email campaign that includes video.

So, what’s the best way to go about adding video?… Continue

Where to Find Great Content to Attract Twitter Followers & Turn them into Customers

Posted on May 15, 2010 at 9:27pm 0 Comments

In the race for social networking dominance, Twitter may have lost to

Facebook in terms of total users – only 7% of the U.S. population has a

Twitter account, compared to 41% for Facebook.

But Twitter is ahead of Facebook in one key area: brand awareness. A recent survey by Edison Research and Arbitron found that active Twitter users – those who access the…


What's Ahead for 2010: Video Marketing

Posted on December 31, 2009 at 1:13pm 0 Comments

Are you using video to market your products or services? If not, you should seriously consider adding this tool to your marketing arsenal in 2010.

Twitter’s phenomenal growth may have been the big story of 2009, but the bigger story involves the continued surge in online video usage.

Online video viewing jumped 26 percent in the U.S. during October, compared to the same period a year ago, according to data from… Continue

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At 5:58pm on December 1, 2009, Harry said…
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At 5:30pm on November 5, 2009, WALT DIEL said…
Hello and Welcome Aboard,
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