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United Breaks Guitars - Dave Carroll and Sons of Maxwell

Think ONE customer doesn't matter? Think it's OK to treat someone poorly because you don't think they rank high enough on the "food chain?"

Here is one customers revenge on United Airlines. THEY broke his $3500 guitar on his way to a gig. He spent a year trying to get SOME kind of compensation, but, no luck. So then he wrote a song about it that got over 2 MILLION views on YouTube within 2 weeks (4.5 million as of 8/4) and Dave has been featured on major news stations including CNN, NPR and news shows all around the world.

Think it is just ONE story that will blow over? NO... because of the comment feature on YouTube thousands of people are leaving their own comments about bad experience's with United Airlines, a business that is already struggling.

This PR nightmare could be the final nail in their coffin.

There used to be an old saying used in customer service training.

"Make a customer happy they will tell 12 people. Make a customer UNhappy they will tell 100."

Now with the technology we have available, an unhappy customer can tell MILLIONS.

When we are out there networking. When we are dealing with clients and potential clients, friends and family. Remember this....

"People don't remember what you say... they don't remember what you do... but they will FOREVER remember how you made them FEEL."


More on the awesome Dave Carroll and Son's of Maxwell at:

More on the STORY here:


And here is Connections Groups own BING FUTCH with his personal story of broken hearts and damaged dulcimers..



The "saga"continues.... now the "Hitler" guys have done their own parody of Dave's song. You KNOW you "have arrived" with the "YouTube" Hitler guys take notice.
Search on YouTube for other funny Hitler parodies. They are all the same movie clip, just with different subtitles laid in. Very funny, in sort of a sick kind of way.


Views: 348

Comment by Sue Copening on July 14, 2009 at 6:48pm
UPDATE: United Airlines has NOW been in touch with Dave about stepping up to the plate. Dave told them he doesn't want the money... not about that anymore... but he would be happy if they donated it to a charity of their choice.

They chose a charity... the Thelonious Monk fund (scholarships I think), but what did they donate? A paltry $3000. Pretty UNDERwhelming when you consider Dave's guitar was worth $3500.

You would think with all the publicity they are getting they would want to show that they DO care about their customers. As Don McLean said in "Vincent'...

"They're not listening still, perhaps they never will."
Comment by Sue Copening on July 14, 2009 at 6:50pm
Google "United Airlines"

TOP RESULT IS: "Airline learns power of viral revenge"
Comment by Sue Copening on July 14, 2009 at 6:58pm
Sent Dave an email out of curiosity... His autoresponder says...

"Greetings, Thank you so much for your note. Due to the overwhelming response to my latest YouTube video, the only words to express the state of my in-box are “Holy Moley”. Even so, I will be doing everything possible to respond to you over the coming days. Some of you have expressed interest in our full selection of music. All of our recordings can be previewed and acquired in digital download and CD formats through our web store at Thanks again for your interest and ongoing support."
... Kindest regards, Dave Carroll Sons of Maxwell Entertainment Inc.

SO... Dave can "work it." No useless responder here... a humorous message and a "plug" to buy something... who could resist?

FIVE Gold Stars to Dave for pure genius on so many levels it's hard to count

Comment by Rodney L. Kincaid on July 15, 2009 at 1:14pm
This is a powerful message to all entrepreneurs.

Rodney L. Kincaid
Comment by Sue Copening on July 23, 2009 at 3:11pm
As of the 23rd of July... This has had 3 MILLION+ views... 3,691,735 to be exact. To put that into perspective... that is over 230,733 views PER DAY.

Additionally he has had hundreds of THOUSANDS of comments.... like these...

I never fly with United anymore. They treat you like cattle. They left me stranded in Chicago a few years. Our plane was at the gate, we were ready to board, then the flight was CANCELED. Now, there was no way to complete the last flight of my schedule. No apologies, no explanation and no refund! I had to make my own way to Union Station to take the train to Kalamazoo. United SU $K$! We are now ruled by Corrupt Overpaid Executives of the Corporate States of America! For a better airline, try Southwest. I have always been treated well there.

I am a United Global Services Customer and supposedly benefit from the best service they have to offer. what a joke. So far this year I have flown 60 united flights and earlier this month flight attendant threatened to throw me off a flight when I suggested the customer, who just ran over his toe with a roll-on-suitcase and who he verbally assaulted as result, probably did not do it on purpose. On the same flight in their in flight magazine was a 2 page article on the professionalism of their attendants and commitment to customer service. There is a hug disconnect between the company's stated values and their employee behaviours. And it will never be corrected until they stop making excuses and start cleaning house. This song may prove useful to all of us who get treated like so much garbage on the plane by people who fail to recognize that the customer is why they have a job!!!

United execs should be required to fly their infant children in liittle brown boxes as baggage. Then they'd be more careful.

Well, I have been traveling on a 10 month assignment for my company. The only airline I was able to take was United. I have never been involved with such an incompetent company in my life. I made it a point to tell various flight attendants that I appreciated their efforts in the face of such staggering management stupidity. The attendants invariably thanked me and (where able to speak) agreed with me. My assignment has ended, my job is tenuous, and still it is such a relief to be done with United.

This one really struck a note for me. The worst service I have experiences have been with United. Its true every Airline has its issues, but the degree of indifference and outright meanness they have shown me in the past is just inexcusable. They are my company's preferred airline. I have gotten a lot of grief by avoiding them, but I have not flown them in years. This little incident just confirms that my experiences were not isolated.

I don't care how much they compensated him after being forced by this guys cleverness, I will never fly United again.

There was a customer so wronged by United many years ago that he started a website called, I think it is still out there. This company has been getting it wrong for so long, and after bankruptcy they just kept digging the hole deeper. I used to fly them many years ago for business and stopped once I changed jobs. They used to be all right at the time. Their executives don't seem to understand the importance of reputation for a business that is struggling with cuts and nickle and diming its customers. This one video should be a clear signal to those executives to stop treating their customers and employees in this fashion.

Quelle surprise! I said to my husband the minute I saw Dave's video: " I bet he hears from United now with an offer of compensation!" My guitar also means a lot to me, but when United shafted me after 24 years of loyal service, I can't help but think of those video images of guitars being slung around the tarmac and hit with a mallett to images of lives ruined by United's lack of conscience. Meataphorically speaking, wouldn't it be a moral victory if United paid res


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