Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

THIS Wednesday - Lunch & Learn - YOU are invited...


YOU are invited to join us....
This Weds, August 22nd @ 10:45 AM

at Asian Buffet
7403 S. Orange Blossom Trail - Orlando


for the: BizCentral Connections
Business Explosion Seminar Series


10:45 AM - Seminar - Q&A
11:45 AM - Networking Luncheon


This bi-monthly seminar series will explore a variety of business topics designed to help you to explode your business... taking it to new levels of success. Each event will have it's own format, combining education, networking and sometimes, a networking luncheon or dinner.


You'll learn strategies you can implement yourself to...

~~ make more money
~~ increase your client base
~~ leverage social media & the web
~~ better manage your business finances
~~ incorporate "community giving" into your business model
~~ turn all of your customers into cheerleaders and referral sources
~~ use "best practices" for FREE and low-cost marketing strategies utilizing the internet


THIS week... we have a "Lunch & Learn" - arrive at 10:45 AM for FREE seminar: 

Generating and Qualifying Leads 
to Streamline Successful Sales

Tom Reich, of BizCentral USA, helps you understand the fundamentals of generating leads using your social media network, website and personal live networking.  You will also learn how to process and qualify the leads you receive.  The tools you receive will help you design marketing and newsletter campaigns and help you know the right time to call a lead – and make you look good to everyone you contact!


This is one, in a series of, FREE, fact filled live seminars.


~~ EVENT is FREE - but you DO pay for your own lunch
~~ Seating is limited - please RSVP if you want to guarantee a seat
~~ Bring business cards & literature

RSVP: 407-443-0348 |


Views: 63

Comment by Timothy M. Ricke on June 13, 2012 at 10:38pm

I didn’t know, it was Joe

by Timothy Michael Ricke

He coached the York Community high school cross county team to 27 state championship in 52 years.

His name is Joe. Joe Newton. Coach Newton to his students. He had ability to get the best out of his students. Joe came to York in the spring of 1960. An assistant coach for just one year and then head coach.

He was tough but fair. He pushed and pushed. At the same time he build school spirit but more then anything else he built a team that worked together. If one was down and out the entire rallied around him.

He watched the new students like a hawk while the students would at first, be a bit fearful that he was looking to weed out the best from the rest. But Joe knew “It takes a team to build a dream.”

He treated all students on an equal basis. He took those that didn’t look like they would do well and built their confidence up and in many cases the one that looked most likely to lose would become one of the very best. Think about that for a bit.

What he was really watching for was the leaders among those trying out. “Watch closely and the leaders will step up with the small of decisions without taking to me.” He would say with a chuckle. He was right. Leaders do appear and act as I found many years later.

I didn’t know it was Joe

After only two weeks he began to call in different members of the team and tell them who they would be responsible for more time then would be expected you could hear those students say, “Me? Coach I’m not a leader.” Coach Newton would look him right in the eye and say, “son you have the skills to lead your team to victory. You will need help to get that done and I will be here for you. I cannot do this myself. I need your leadership talents. Can I could on you?”

In the spring of 1959 Linda was transferred to York Community HS. She was cute and petite. I was a student at York when I saw her in the hall. I was smitten. I tried several times to talk to her but lost my nerve. After a while her girl friends told me that she though I was cute. My confidence rose and I walked right up the next day and tried to introduce myself but…… I couldn’t speak. I turned away as my face turned several shades of red.

The following week I was trying out for the track team. As I got down in the blocks the team coach asked our names. I spoke my name while looking down not realizing he couldn’t hear me very well. “Okay, Rim Ticky let’s see what you got.” There were three others trying to win the slot.

First came “on your mark” whereby we placed are fingers on the chalk line in front of us. “Get set.” We looked up and to my surprise there was Linda with her girl friend watching us. My adrenaline levels rose fast and I heard myself saying, “I’ll show her!”

Bang! I flew down the track with no one on either side or in front of me. It was over in a blink. I turned and began jogging back when I heard him, Coach Newton say, “Ticky what the hell was that? You just ran the 40 yard dash in 4.5 seconds.” He bellowed. "4.5 isn’t that good?” I asked. “Good……. good……. you just tied the state record. What the hell got into you?” Isn’t love a wonderful motivator?

I had met the requirements to be a member of the track team. He also required that I give up home room and become his assistant for the afternoon gym class. Little did I know he was developing me and my leadership skills.

Coach Newton was always prepared for every team meeting and I learned to be prepared for my team a few years leaders as the manager of a retail store. He would always close the meeting with a quote. “If you could see through the darkness and believe. You would understand that the brass ring is but inches away.”

Coach Newton would coach each student at the same level and never quit on a student. I have been coaching one toastmaster for two years as I await for that toastmaster to stay on course and complete a speech as close as possible as written. I didn’t know it was Joe.

I am currently coaching 12 toastmasters and because Coach Newton showed me how to coach I must say ....... I didn’t know it was Joe.

I learned to write my own quotes and place them within my speeches as I have here today. You see .... I didn’t know it was Joe.

I learned to watch closely for the leaders in my businesses make their presence known. You see, ..... I didn’t know it was Joe.

I send out a link last night to the members of the club. You see Joe Newton has had a film produced about his wondrous leadership skills and the 1,000s of students he has coached over a half a century. It is titled “” It has been shown in every major college and university in the country. No coach in history has every achieved what he has for York Community high school in Elmhurst, Ill. My home town. The green line? That was the color of our uniforms.

More then anything else...Joe Newton helped me go from being a C student to the dean’s list. Two things turned me around from being a greaser to white shoe. Sports and a man that not only believed in me but taught me to believe in me. I didn’t know it then but today...... I know was Joe.


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