Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

This morning I was one of the presenters on the call and talked about the joy I have experienced myself and brought to many others through the unique Send Out Cards system. I invited everyone to try the system by sending a REAL card, CUSTOM DESIGNED from their OWN COMPUTER, and sending it to someone who will be thrilled to receive it.

How come nobody took me up on this offer? I just don't understand it! There are no catches, except the one I mentioned: Please give me feedback on how well the recipient likes it! That's it!

I am full time in many ventures, and can provide leadership and training in this most wonderful venture. Want to start slow? I don't blame you. For as little as $10.00 plus maybe $10.00 in postage you can try out this magnificent system from your own home, in your jammies, in the middle of the night!

Come on - give it a try! Just go to and follow the simple instructions!

And give me a call - I know you have some questions. 407-932-3654.

Many thanks for your time. Linda Yates

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