Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Medicare for All will SAVE you money!

Here is a great flyer you can PRINT out to distribute. It lays out the highlights of Medicare for All... or FREEDOM CARE. Of course you can also get details of the plan by Googling it to find the actual Medicare for All bill, as well as the conservative based Mercatus Report which concluded it would save the country 3 trillion dollars over the first 10 years. Basically it will cost the government more, but save the people even more than that... so net savings overall. Keep in mind that projected costs will be HIGHEST in the first 10 years due to transition costs. During that period "tweaks" will be made to improve efficiencies here and there. Medicare has TWO independent watchdog agencies that root out waste and fraud... which is why is has the LOWEST of any healthcare plan. It also has the highest SATISFACTION ratings from it's users.

On costs... there IS a 4% payroll tax to cover healthcare. BUT... for a family of four.. the average healthcare costs, when you add up insurance premiums, copays and deductibles... equal around 20-30%, less for individuals of course. For individuals the savings might be just 5% of income (my savings would be around $3800 per year), for families of 4 it would average 15%-26% of income... but whether it would be a few thousand, or over ten thousand, Medicare for All WILL save you money!  See the flyer for more PERKS...

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