Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Let me first start by sharing ... I LOVE MARKETING!  

And, I know that for most business owners marketing and selling are their 2 least favorite activities.  They much prefer to render their services and deliver their products. The challenge that creates is that marketing and selling are what bring the clients and customers to let you do what you love (i.e. deliver your services and products).

Why do I love marketing?  Because it gives me the opportunity to talk to other people about what I love to do, which is creating business strategies for success, speaking, crafting presentations, interviewing people, writing and providing sound advice to my clients.

I've listed some suggestions below which you can implement now to get better results. You can also come see me live on Friday, March 16th from 9 am to 1 pm at the Crowne Plaza with Loral Langemeier, The Millionaire Maker. -- here's the link for details and registration (oh yes, it's FREE!) >>

Learn to Love Marketing and Get More...of Everything!

Marketing in this 2.0 world has provided more avenues and outlets to share your message -- which in most cases is a blessing and a curse.  The challenge being you obviously can't get your message into every outlet (without a huge team and a fat budget), so how do you choose the right marketing strategies for your business.  Here are a few suggestions:

1.  Know your target market.  If your answer to that is "Everybody can use what I sell" -- it's time to take a look at the commonalities of who has actually been buying.  Create a client profile that includes age, gender, average income, marital status, children, religion and hobbies.

2.  Know where your target market hangs out.  As this applies to social media, are your prospects mainly on Facebook? Twitter? LinkedIn?  Study their online habits and hang out where they do!

3.  Know what your target market really wants (not just what you want to sell them).  Get clear on the real benefits and solutions you provide.  How will your product or service enhance their life, solve a problem, make them happier, healthier, wealthier, sexier (yes, we all know sex sells!)

I know you may have heard some of these tips before but -- have you applied them to your marketing strategy?  This is why I'm often referred to as a "Catalyst" -- asking the right questions, at the right time to produce the right results!

This Friday, March 16th from 9 am to 1 pm, I'm teaming up with Loral Langemeier "The Millionaire Maker" and we are committed to offering you solid solutions to create more cash with less effort.  This is a free event and you're invited!  

Register at

or call me at 954-980-2134

To Your Success, Peace & Prosperity!

Nancy Matthews

Speaker~Author~Success Catalyst

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