Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

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January 2010 Weekend Update Jan. 22nd, 2010 ... Click here to read the Newsletter

Hi Caribbean family, like most of you, the past days have caught me amazed at the devastation in Haiti. What can we do to help? I've compiled a brief list of things that the community will be doing and you'll find them below in the events section. This week, I'm sharing my newsletter with my friend, Haitian writer and activist Marjory Sheba.

Below is her Message of

HOPE to Haitians- in light of the recent earthquake in Haiti.

My fellow Haitian brothers and sisters all over the world, As we awake to the dark aftermath of a catastrophic earthquake that's ravaged our beloved country, we need more than ever to come together as a people. Black and Mulatto, rich and poor, educated and illiterate- today impacted and humbled by the same horrific

circumstance and suffering the same fate.

Many of us are grief-stricken by news of loved ones who are dead or victimized, while others still wait to receive word from those not yet accounted for. In this grave time of sorrow, as our pain deepens and our heart weakens with each passing moment, let us cling to each other for strength, with support and prayers.

Now is the time to come together with the counted and begin our period of healing. We see now more than ever, though we live in different parts of the world-The United States, Asia, Europe and Africa-our suffering has been the same for years, and our divide is merely by shores. As a people, we have suffered long and struggled hard, we have felt the repercussion of Haiti's failed politics and sunken economy through poverty and shame. We have been judged, stereo-typed, rejected and ridiculed for being a people of a land known today only as the poorest country in the Western hemisphere.

Haiti- a once-prospering country with ripened soil, bearing fruits and sugar cane; landscaped mountains of endless green; rich, tropical gardens of exotic plants and

magnificent flowers; outstanding architectures emanating the Old Europe illustrious flare; miles and miles of cultivated fields of wheat, tea and "ris"; chief producer of a

New world's coffee... the pristine jewel of the Caribbean!

But, we must not lose hope or be disheartened, for this will be a new beginning for Haiti.

Together we will heal from this dreadful tragedy and re-build our beloved land. Those we lost would not have died in vain- Haiti will rise from its ashes again!

With hope and love,

Marjory Sheba

Writer and activist

Donating to Haiti
The Haitian American Chamber of Florida has come together with other Community leaders and Rosen Hotels to create a relief program. Monetary donations may be mailed to the Harris Rosen Foundation, memo: Haiti Relief, 9840 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32819. The Harris Rosen Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (FEIN #59-2890420). For a list of items needed now and drop off locations call 407-996-6715 or visit

GGR Marketing - Donate to Haiti...
GGR Marketing is coordinating a special relief effort to raise funds, clothing, food and toiletries for Haiti. This is a devastating tragedy and I feel that we should all do whatever we can to help. We all...even if we don't have cash to donate...CAN organize a benefit, donate our products, our time or our voices to help to do something for the relief effort.

From now until March 1st, we will send out a free press release and email blast for any company that donates products or services. On March 6th, we will coordinate the handing over of the products and donations collected to the Harris Rosen Quake Relief Fund.

On Jan. 30th, we'll also be printing our Caribbean Events this week - every other week - with a list of the companies that are donating to the effort and a list of the drop off areas and upcoming events and community news. I'll also be supplementing that effort with a biweekly stint on the radio at 11am on Saturday mornings on for 15mins. so if you can't hear me on your radio, click the link and listen from your computer. If you donate to the Haitian Relief effort I'm shouting your name out wherever I can!

We look forward to working with you to create a huge gift from the Central Florida Community to the people of Haiti.


Guenet Gittens-Roberts
GGR Marketing I Public Relations

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