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Shake Yourself Slim!

... Lose weight...  get your life back 90 days!


"Shake Yourself Slim" is a simple and fun 90-day challenge that will help you transform your body while you save money!

Utilizing the Metaboliq system... the "Shake Yourself Slim" approach has been shown, in clinical trials of sedentary women over 50, to result in triple the weight loss of nutrition changes alone. 


Based on 30 years of scientific research the Metaboliq program is the only weight loss system guaranteed to correct the metabolism because it uses specific amino acids to activate the signaling of protein metabolism turning your muscles into a fat burning machine.


This is scientifically tested, results in healthy weight loss AND it's the least expensive weight loss system utilizing meal replacements.  More than that... Metaboliq meal shakes cost much LESS than the food you would have eaten... so you lose weight AND save money too.    SO, the best thing about this challenge is... the only thing you have to lose is pounds.... guaranteed!


How can we guarantee that?  Because this weight loss program is based on 30 years of SCIENTIFICALLY VALIDATED research by Dr. Donald Layman... American's top nutritional researcher, and one of the top 5 nutritional researchers in the world.  Dr. Layman has over 90 peer reviewed articles published in medical journals (the average is 3 to 5 over a career), and is recognized as the LEADER in sports nutrition, protein metabolism, obesity and weight management.  He has won numerous awards for his work, including the Shannon Award from the National Institute of Health (click for bio).


Dr. Laymans research has proven that the way to burn fat... is to maintain and build MUSCLE, because muscle creates the "metabolic furnace" that helps burn fat. The missing ingredient in other weight loss programs is the proper amount of protein with the right balance of carbohydrates AND the correct range of AMINO ACIDS! When you lose weight the wrong way, you lose muscle mass as well as fat.

Yes, you lose... but when you stop your diet you no longer have the muscle metabolism to burn fat.  This is why so many people will then gain back the weight they lost... and MORE.    


The Metaboliq program is focused on delivering to you the RIGHT amount of healthy protein... the right amount of balanced carbs, the highest QUALITY of amino acids on the market AND the added "boost" of an all natural, healthy supplement that gives you increased energy and helps "reset" your metabolism to become a fat burning machine. Caffeine (and drug) free, this "secret weapon" is completely safe.


More GREAT NEWS!   The best thing about the Metaboliq weight management system is that this is not a "fad" diet... not a "yo-yo" diet;  you'll lose weight the RIGHT way.  The way that is HEALTHY, that sustains muscle, the way that is completely SAFE... even for Diabetics!


Doctors RECOMMEND the Metaboliq program.


Athletes recommend the Metaboliq program.

Mike Eruzione: 
Captain of the 1980 US Gold Medal Olympic Hockey Team

Dan Jansen:
1994 Olympic Gold Medal Winner (1,000m Speed Skating)

Bonnie Blair.:
5-time Olympic Gold Medal winner
(500m and 1,000m Speed Skating)

We now have More than TEN Olympic Gold Medal Athletes using this system.  Do they need to lose weight?  No.  They use it to stay in shape.


Can you use it to lose weight?  YES!

Do we have PROOF it works?   Yes!    In CLINICAL TRIALS, this program resulted in weight loss of 2 pounds per week in sedentary women over 50.  Why did they use this group?  Because this demographic is the most DIFFICULT one for weight loss results. Two pounds a week doesn't sound like a lot... but it adds up quick and it's the RIGHT way to do it.  Younger people, men, more active people, get faster results.


RESEARCH... Do yours!

1) Dr. Laymans research leading to the Metaboliq system 

2) Importance of Protein in weight loss AND in maintaining bone density

3) Quotes by Layman in article on bodybuilding

4) This diet as pertains to Type II Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome


Men that have used the Metaboliq program have reported weight loss of as much as 30 pounds in the first month!   Of course, results will always vary based on adherence to the principles of the program, exercise, etc.  Each person is unique, but the results we have seen so far... are amazing.


Besides weight loss, there are other related health benefits to the Metaboliq system and lifestyle.  Because the FDA prohibits health claims for natural products, I can't go into a lot of detail here... but you can easily research why this is (or call me!). Trust me when I say that if you are a Type II Diabetic, or in a pre-Diabetes condition, you want to learn more.


COST Effective:   Of all the best known programs on the market that help you lose weight through "meal replacements" ... guess what... Metaboliq is the lightest one on your pocket book too!   Not only is it the least expensive, but add to that the savings in your grocery (or dining) bill for meals you are replacing with shakes and, for many of us, there really is no true "cost" for the program at all... it's just "a wash" as they say.


CONVENIENCE:  One thing I really love about the Metaboliq shakes is they are so convenient!   I carry the shakes, and a "drink shaker" in my car.  Instead of stopping at an unhealthy fast food or restaurant... I can pop into a 7-11, get some milk... and shake up a lunch in seconds.  This is truly HEALTHY "fast food!"  You don't even need milk... they are great mixed with water too.  


Are you by any chance taking medications related to weight issues, or health issues complicated by weight?   We have many people who are saving hundreds of dollars a month, because they are no longer needing to take expensive prescription drugs.


Watch the VIDEO....


Download the FREE Metaboliq guide...


See the healthy Metaboliq ingredients...


Does it work?  Heck yes!
Have you noticed that I lost 25 pounds this year? 
Guess how I did it?


Call SUE today to get started!... at 407-443-0348



or Jennifer at: 407-592-0792
ask Jennifer what this has done for her.


Views: 1628

Comment by Sue Copening on January 15, 2011 at 10:36am


VIDEO: Dr. Donald K. Layman on 30 years of research... 

Part 2: Part 3:

NOTE: It was Dr. Layman's research that targeted Leucine as the most important amino acid in protein.


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