Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Teri Siciliano's Comments

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At 11:09pm on June 26, 2011, Steve Johnson said…
Celebrate at Denny's with a free Grand Slam on Monday. Blessings on your special day. The wor ld is a better place with your pressence. Thank you for all you do for us.
At 5:24pm on January 27, 2011, Bhawna Rath said…


        I would like to add you to my business network and explore business opportunities. Thanking you.


With Regards


Bhawna Rath

At 10:49pm on January 10, 2011, Dr. Dacia Milescu said…
At 10:30pm on January 10, 2011, Dr. Dacia Milescu said…
You sure wil!
At 8:39pm on November 16, 2010, Chuck Bowers said…
Sounds good Teri !
I know their a good product,let me know what you can get them to me for !
Also I would like to attend your Monday "Connections Group"!
Thanks Chuck
At 10:56pm on July 6, 2010, A. A. Ladan said…
Hi Teri,

Thanks for the info the other day. I appreciate your insights and hope to hear from you soon regarding any upcoming events that would work for our Campaigning for a Cause initiative.
At 8:12am on June 4, 2010, Jo Rogers said…
My pleasure. Your support was much appreciated :)
At 9:58am on April 27, 2010, Geri Cole said…
Wow... Teri Siciliano is NOW my friend?? It took long enough (37 years)!!
At 12:05am on April 22, 2010, Georgeann Grasso said…
Hi Teri,
I love it, "Cause Related Marketing"!
You are the creator and Queen of Connecting.
Hope to see you soon.
Georgeann Grasso
At 1:34pm on January 4, 2010, TwelveDancer said…
Teri, just called you to talk about possible ways to help Disabled Advisory Council- message said your mailbox is full. john
At 8:37am on October 19, 2009, Crystal Nelson said…
Hi friend tried to call you and no answer. Can you email me your ad at Thanks
At 7:03pm on October 4, 2009, Crystal Nelson said…
Hi Teri we had a blast lastnight. Glad to have gone. Thanks so much for the loan. Where will you be this week?
At 7:22am on August 18, 2009, Teri Siciliano said…
Well, that does explain where you have been. Good luck Staci and we will keep in touch.
At 10:47am on August 10, 2009, Ellie Mirali said…
Hello Teri
I am glad you remember me.
You are more than welcome to stop by at anytime, but call before so I make sure that I am not busy so I can talk to you.
At Breeze laser center, we are open from 9-7.
Looking forward to see you soon.

At 7:25am on July 28, 2009, Steve Rugg said…
That is Great Teri, what is Bob doing? Is he starting another group?
Are you still drawing huge crowds? I like the attached that is cool.

I am staying with my Lady in St. Cloud now, she had some surgery.
I decided my time is better spent keeping up my software skills. Too expensive educating people's attitudes about using professional design vs template or worse doing it themselves! Some one will come along long like my previous, contact who already understands marketing is lot more than just Twittering!

I love to watch Salsa Dancing! I id not know he was into that? People do surprise you sometimes.
At 12:30pm on July 27, 2009, Steve Rugg said…
I believe it is Yvette's group that is a Network Group that uses Salsa Dancing as a forum? I could be wrong?
At 9:35am on July 13, 2009, Robert Allan Billingsley said…
I got a few more this weekend, Bills car wash gave us two $25.00 Gift/Cert and Bob Evens is throwing in some dinners, and Mike over at Hit and Run gave us some coupons for free time slots in his batting gages.
We want to try and have as many prizes as possible so I have to go and see what else I can drum up, talk to you later with an up date.
At 10:11pm on July 8, 2009, Robert Allan Billingsley said…
Work , who said anything about work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is going to be fun fun fun!!!!
We are going to have Sport Memorabilia up for auction , Prize’s Gloria will be giving away, and I do mean GLORIA.
Got to have food, and their will be a Full Dinner Buffet served by the Sanford Miller’s Ale House with plenty of drink specials along the way.
Oh lets not forget the All Star Game on dozens of wide screen TV’s --–now that's just not work if you ask me, but if you don’t believe me then just ask
All-Star MVP Ken Griffey Sr. when you see him there, signing autographs.
Thanks Terry
Bobby Baseball
Mr. B
With the
At 1:38pm on July 6, 2009, Linda Goldberg said…
hey girl.....things are ok.....still doing nails, but I am looking for a part time job too.....How are things with you?
At 9:50am on July 6, 2009, Marty Perlmutter said…
Hopefully something positive will come out of that meeting. Right now we are, like you, extremely disappointed in going with this program.
Not so much about the few dollars thrown away, but the credibility we've worked to obtain with some of the people we do business with. Right now, I am planning to reimburse those who purchased the certs from me with a letter explaining the company ran out of money or something like that.

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