Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Save the Internet! You can take action....

Save the Internet! You can take action....

Take a few minutes to protect yourself and sign this petition!

Why? Because your Florida representative in the House just sold you out to Comcast, Verizon and AT&T.

Net Neutrality is threatened and if internet and cable providers are not stopped it will raise costs for small business people and individuals alike.

Big phone and cable companies are so determined to dismantle consumer protections on the open Internet that they've spent millions to flip Congress against you. Earlier this week, many in Congress delivered.

On Monday, 74 House Democrats joined 37 Senate Republicans to sign an industry-written letter that tells the Federal Communications Commission to halt all efforts to protect Internet users and stop big companies from blocking Internet traffic.

Rep. Suzanne Kosmas has joined those 73 other Democrats in signing an industry-written letter telling the FCC to abandon its efforts to protect Internet users and stop big companies from blocking Internet traffic.

It’s yet another example of dirty politics destroying our democracy, and it has to stop.

Tell Washington:

Rep. Kosmas Doesn’t Speak for Me

The nasty little secret that everybody knows? Almost every one of these representatives has accepted massive contributions from the phone and cable lobby. Now the industry is demanding a return on its investment.

By signing the industry letter, your representative has drastically undercut the FCC’s ability to get a fast, affordable and open Internet to everyone in America. Your representative is actually taking a position against the interests of rural and low-income communities.

We aren’t going to let this outrageous and unethical behavior stand. Today, we’re asking hundreds of thousands of Americans to sign our own letter telling the FCC and Congress that Rep. Kosmas doesn’t speak for us, President Obama or the millions of other Americans who support an open and affordable Internet.

Dear Rep. Kosmas :

Don’t Let Dirty Politics Kill an Open Internet

That Rep. Kosmas would intentionally sell out the public may be hard to imagine. Perhaps these representatives didn’t know what they were signing. Or perhaps this is just business as usual, another D.C. betrayal of the public trust.

Is it any wonder the latest Gallup public opinion poll counts a congressional disapproval rating of 73 percent?

These members of Congress acted on blind faith that phone and cable companies have the best interests of Americans in mind. But Comcast and AT&T can no better police themselves to protect the open Internet than BP can police itself to protect the oceans. And we already know how that ends.

Congress can’t hand the future of communications over to these companies. The results would be disastrous.

By taking action today, you’re telling Rep. Kosmas that bad deeds won’t go unnoticed.

Thank you,

Timothy Karr
Free Press Action Fund

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