Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Communicating via social media, networking in person or being in a relationship can be very challenging. They all are different and yet they are the same. We are trying to express ourselves and be perceived how we want to be. Perception however of our communication in whatever format can be interpreted almost the opposite of our intention.

Do you have an outcome in mind everytime you want to communicate with someone? Do you think before you react? Are you impulisive with your reaction and interaction? How do you get your intention across?

Learning how to be effective at your communication across all mediums is something most of us should consider on an ongoing basis. As the world changes, which is does every day, we need to be able to change and adapt with it.

How many relationships have you lost, how much business have you lost because you have not kept up with the current forms of communication?

I know when I am teaching my workshops the amount of people that do not keep up with ever changing situations fills up half the room. I am always going to seminars and workshops, reading and networking and LEARNING.

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