Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida


Coaching or not?

Coaching should you really have coaching to help you achieve your goals?

Coaching with someone who can motivate, inspire and understand you is essential for reaching your desired goal. If you are not having coaching or you do not want to spend the money for the coach the chances are less unless you are the type of person that is self motivated and determined no matter what happens and you are going to get your goal. However even those types of people can still benefit from coaching as you get a difference perspective and will find different ways to keep you on track.

One of the best ways to achieve the goals you set yourself is to get a good coach. Now this can be a Life Coach, Health & Wellness Coach, Personal Training Coach all of them will be trained in their specialized field and therefore able to help you achieve your goals.

How do you pick a good life coach? 2012 is upon us and for a lot of people 2012 is going to be a great year for them as they are going to make goals, resolutions, and make all sorts of promises to change. Weight loss, quit smoking, get healthy, start a fitness program, save money etc etc.

Coaching Questions

What questions should you ask of your potential coach?

  • How many clients have they coached?
  • What modalities do they use?
  • Do they have any testimonials?
  • What is their Website?
  • Have they experienced they type of challenge you have or had a client who has experienced the same challenge.
  • Do they coach in person, over the phone, email?

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