Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Expand your Business, add Thousands to your Bottom Line, in 2010

How you can Expand your Business
... and add more income in 2010

It’s official: We survived 2009. But you’re probably not spinning around in your office chair, throwing confetti in the air to celebrate. That’s because, though you may have survived, 2009 was an especially difficult year for business and personal finances.

I hear it more and more… I have less cash flow and little or no reduction of debt.

With these changing times you need to get out of your comfort zone, take control, and get on the right path to achieve the financial freedom you dream of. You need to find an additional part time source of income and a proven way to eliminate your debts.

Do you really have a choice?

You do have a choice. You can do nothing, keep doing the same things you've been doing, and just hope that, magically, you get a different result OR you can take ACTION, make a game changer and choose a new, more informed, path.

Thousands of professionals (mostly folks in the financial planning, insurance, real estate, mortgage and finance industries) have successfully integrated this into their business, and SO can YOU. Would you want to...

... add $1000, $3000, or more to your monthly bottom line
... produce more LEADS for your core business
... produce income from files you thought were DEAD. Closed files, unqualified, etc.
... get a better handle on your OWN financial picture and be debt free in less than half the time.
... and do it with less than 1-2 HOURS of work each week?

If all of that was really possible... Would you want to know more?

I invite you to see the impact of what AWARD WINNING and critically acclaimed United First Financial, and The Money Merge Account, are doing for 10’s of thousands of folks just like you.

Click this link:
AND this:

Do it now.. because if not now... WHEN?

"Procrastination is the killer of success."
...Wayne Gretzky

About this program:

“I Wish I Had Invented It Myself.”
Chicken Soup For The Soul – series co-founder and co-author.
Mark Victor Hansen

“This is the best thing I’ve seen in decades”
- T.Harv Eker, Author: "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind"

“They are head & shoulders above the rest. Their concept is better, their product is better, their customer service is better… they GOT it”
- Andrew Waite, Publisher, Personal RE investor magazine

WINNER: "Entrepreneur of the Year Award" 2008
ERNST & YOUNG, Utah Region for company founders

WINNER: "Editors Choice Award"
Personal Real Estate Investor Magazine

WINNER: "Outstanding Company of the Month"
Broker Banker Magazine

After you view the above video/webinar... CALL me and I'll explain how you can do this... and do it spending LESS than 1 hour a week!

Sue: 407-443-0348

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