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To achieve the goal of a universal, single-payer health system, the White House must secure the power it needs by amending the Social Security Act to transfer pivotal controls from Congress to the executive branch. This transfer of power would ultimately give the President and the majority party, in this case the radical left Obama White House and Pelosi-Reid led progressive Democrats, the authority to frame and manipulate new policy, coverage options, and reimbursements, ultimately reshaping the future US health care system into a something unrecognizable in this country.

The deliberate setup for the White House power grab is built into the each of the health care bills and, if they fail, little-known twin bills called “MedPAC Reform of 2009” are waiting in the wings. The bills, S.B. 1110 and H.R. 2718, craftily amend the Social Security Act and transfer the Medicare guideline and rule setting processes, from the legislative branch to the executive branch. These bills offer cover to one another in case one doesn’t pass the House or Senate, respectively. Remember, Democrats need to gain executive branch authority by amending the Social Security Act over Medicare regulations and physician fee schedules to transform the health care system in a single-payer, socialized system.

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Views: 8

Comment by Sue Copening on January 13, 2010 at 7:20pm
I hope they do! That would be awesome.

It's about time we do something to fix the high cost of health care and stop the 2 million bankruptcies that happen every year as the result of medical costs (over half of those are people WITH insurance by the way).

Every other developed country in the world does a better job than we do providing health coverage to their citizens. We are the only one without some form of government funded system and we are ranked 38th in terms of quality of our health care system. So we pay MORE for worse care overall. Sad. That's American ingenuity?

Our health care costs are DOUBLE what they are in other countries and they are expected to go up another 10% by the end of 2010, meaning they will probably double again by the end of the decade.

Can you spell... "Executive bonus packages?" "Stock dividends?'

Profit, profit, profit... at our expense.
Comment by Sue Copening on January 25, 2010 at 6:59pm


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