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Empower YOU - Empower Your Life

Event Details

Empower YOU - Empower Your Life

Time: September 25, 2011 from 9:30am to 5pm
Location: Celebration Bohemian Hotel
Street: 700 Bloom Street
City/Town: Celebration , 34747
Website or Map: http://empoweryou.eventbrite.…
Event Type: seminar
Organized By: Anil Gupta
Latest Activity: Sep 20, 2011

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Event Description

Master YOU - Master LIFE
... be happier - be more productive - enjoy LIFE!


We are all working hard for one reason - to try and become happier.  Have you ever been taught how to be happier, more fulfilled and more joyous?   I doubt that.  We spend many years at school and yet we do not have the tools that will enable us to generate our own HAPPINESS!

Yes - we can generate our own happiness - no matter what life is throwing us, no matter how bad we feel life is, even if your relationship is deteriorating, even if you have failed relationships, even if you have no money.

HOW ? 

I have been through immense pain and in my deepest moments came up with a methodology that will not only help you overcome the obstacles in your path but to enjoy the process.  This process works ! 

Here is a brief summary of some of the attendees -

Man A – His wife had left him. He was still living in the hope she would come back. He had not dated or pursued happiness with another partner and he was not ready to move on to the next chapter of his life. At the end of the seminar he had forgiven her, moved on and stated he was ready for a new relationship armed with many new tools.

Woman A – She was Divorced, had felt enormous resentment towards her father and mother and was passing this on to her own children. She saw what she was doing and recognized the reasons for her anger towards her parents. She was able to forgive and start anew seeking relationships filled with love. She had become emotionally detached because of events in her past as a means of self preservation and for her own protection against being hurt by others. She saw the enormous cost to her and her children and through a guided coaching intervention, she was able to move forward, looking to build new loving relationships for herself, encouraging her children to do the same.

Woman B - She was Separated. Her husband had found someone else that he confessed to her, he had been thinking about and had feelings for, for many years. She was wallowing in her pain . She saw that there were great men out there and that she needed to work on herself. After an intervention, she recognized that her life was her own and she could choose how to run it and not give power to others.

Teenager B – This young man of only 18 years old was burdened by the pain of the past and the fact that his father had left him at a very young age. He was a very sensitive and well groomed young man that constantly held his head down and was angry at the world.
He left the seminar with a vow to connect with his father and a renewed sense of peace. He saw what his Greatness was .

A Father and Daughter: A 6 year old young lady came with her father and was able to express the love she had for him announcing to the entire seminar "My Dad is a great guy" In response, her father was able to express his deepest love for her and had a much deeper level of connection with her than she had ever known. 


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