Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Anger and stress are two of the main emotions people express through the Holiday period.

Why do you think this is so?

Families get together and most families have some sort of dysfunction.   Some of the family members do not want to be there but will because the 'should', this leads to stress, resentment, anger and general unhappiness.

Children expect to receive the best, 'whats in' gift which leads to more stress, especially with the financial burden and also the emotional pulls on your heart to give your kids what they really want.

Visiting some family members can also put a strain on the emotions depending on where they are and the type of place they live in.  It can be restrictive with the variation of what you can do and this leads to boredom, stress and anger.

There are a multitude of reasons for the negative emotions that surround the holiday period and the stress it puts on people to do what 'should' be done instead of what can be done to keep everyone happy and do what everyone wants.

Expectation is always high to the lead up as most people want to have a great time and some have the attitude that it will be different this year  :)

Recognize your emotions, breath through them, and more importantly recognize this is your challenge and your can overcome it.   No one can make you FEEL anything - you choose how you feel.

Have a great thanksgiving and enjoy the holidays.

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