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Bullying : The Misconception,The Pain, The Suicides, ~ It's Taking Over Our Kids

Suicide among our youth is sadly on the rise. Many of these suicides are directly the result of a kid with a still developing mind, feeling he or she is out of options. Unfortunately, too many adolescents (yes I said adolescents) and teens are often coached into committing suicide by their peers. I know that statement is very debatable. There are some people who may argue no one can “coach” you into committing this heinous act. However if suicide is ever considered an option the person is obviously experiencing an overwhelming amount of feelings that he or she cannot explain nor understand. Thus this leaves them very vulnerable

Your typical bully is also very insecure, which why they choose to pick on someone else in an attempt to deflect their own flaws. Therefore it is very easy for a bully to single out a person with low self-esteem, insecurities, or self-doubt

The actual act of bullying boils down to mainly one thing. Power. The bullies overwhelming desire is to have power over someone in order to make him or herself feel validated.

While may people are now starting to become more aware of the seriousness of bullying and it’s connections to suicide, there are still way too many people who underestimate the number of cases of suicide that are continually on the rise in the United States. While I want to believe that, that the people who are doing the bullying are not doing it with the intent to drive others to actually kill themselves. It cannot be stressed enough that the easiest way to reign in bullying in is for all people to be mindful of what they say to another person. Although we were all told as little kids that “sticks and stones may break, my bones but words will never hurt me”. Words actually do hurt. In fact, although we feel the pain from physical blows more instantaneously it is mind manipulation and abuse that is most corrupting and long lasting.

The fact of it all is bullying is occurring everyday in our schools. The majority of the kids being bullied will not tell a soul! So please do don’t be fooled into to thinking that your child will be the one that will tell you.

Finding an actual solution to alleviate this problem proves to be a challenging feat. The reason is ordinarily when a child is being bullied, he or she will not speak a word of it. Not to their best friends, or family. Parents please do not be fooled into thinking “you know your child” and they will come to you if they are being bullied. Sadly, there are many parents that can share their story of how they had that similar mentality. They will also tell you they unfortunately, had to bury their child.

In my opinion, this type of bullying induced suicide teeters very closely on the border of manslaughter and even murder. Kids and adults alike must realize that their desire to have a greater power over someone else ultimately will drive them to destroy those around them. We are all different. We all have different tolerance levels and coping mechanisms Some people can take the abuse and just become broken inside. Some people can brush the bullying off. Then there are some people who simply become overwhelmed by the constant pressure and take their own life, as they feel that is their only way out.

The lesson I hope people will learn from this article is Never Judge A Book By It’s Cover! A person may appear tough, and able to handle it on the outside, when actuality it is just a disguise to cover their insecurities. You never know how a person reacts when they are alone. How they may criticize or mutilate themselves, all because of what you think is a joke and funny. When in reality it has gone too far. Please just be mindful of what you say to others because we are all vulnerable to the slightest of attacks!

We do not have to lose any more children to bullying. Change can start today. All we have to do is open our eyes, and hearts. STOP THE HATE and START CARING!



Read this blog and more on my offical blog at:

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