Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

To establish a Wireless Network you need two things:

1) A Wireless Router,

2) A computer with a Wireless Network Adapter that recognizes the signal from the router.

A wireless network works similar to a cordless telephone. You have a base: the wireless router and you have receivers. Receivers for the cordless phone are called handsets. Receivers for the wireless network are called Wireless Network Adapters (WNA). A wireless router is the main component used to connect multiple computers together. These computers that are connected together through a wireless router make up a wireless network. The wireless network is designed around a certain frequency: 2.4 GHZ, 5.8 GHZ, etc. The wireless router sends out a signal on one of those frequencies. Your computer should either have a wireless network adapter built in, a PCMCIA @ type or a USB @ type. The network adapter must recognize the signal from the router. When the network adapter recognizes the signal from the router, the adapter gives you a message that there are wireless networks available. You then open the message and select a network from the list. When you look through the list, you will also see whether or not the network is secured (requiring a key) or open/unsecured (no key required). If a key is required, you must contact the owner of that network for the key. If no key is required then you can connect to that network and surf the internet. A wireless network is also known as a Wireless L.A.N. or Local Area Network. Another name for wireless network is Wi-Fi @(Wireless Fidelity). Now you know when someone talks about a Wi-Fi @ Hotspot. You know they are speaking of an available wireless network. When two or more computer are fully connected through a wireless router they can share files, a printer or even a high speed internet connection. In order for multiple machines to share a high speed connection, the router must be connected to a DSL or Cable Modem from an Internet Service Provider such as the local telephone or cable company. While connected to to high speed connection all computers normally surf without speed interruptions.

If you are not sure how to set up a wireless network call me. I will come at the appointed time either with the equipment for a price or without the equipment. I can go with you to the "computer store" to get the router and adapter. Or, you can go to the store and tell the store employee what operating system (Windows 98, XP @, MAC OS 9 @, Linux @, etc), that you need a wireless router and a possibly a wireless network adapter.

When you are away from home with your Wi-Fi capable laptop and need to find a Wi-Fi Hotspot. Check the following places The public library, Panera Bread @, Krystals @, McDonald's, Barnes and Nobles@, etc

The symbol @ usually represents at in an email address. I am using it here to represent a copyrighted name as well.

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