Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

George Veronis, Sr. Branch Manager with United First Financial walks you through why this company can give you the ability to earn a 6 figure income in your first year.

Listen all the way though and you'll hear people on the call who talk about THEIR experience with using the program and telling folks about the program. One guy saved over $400,000 in interest on his mortgage! Another saved about $30,000 - both are pretty darn happy!


"The Money Merge Account software has given me great peace in knowing that our house will be 'Paid-in-Full' in 3.4 years. Before, we had 26 years left on our mortgage. At 60+ years of age now, we would be 86+ years old by the time it would have been paid. We are extremely happy & grateful!" -- Ann M.

"I am ultra conservative by nature. When I first heard about the Money Merge Account program, I was very hesitant. I looked into and researched the program for almost a year. After seeing what it did for a good friend of mine, I jumped on board. UFirst and their agents and support team have been awesome. It is the best financial decision I have made in my adult life. I wish I would have started a year earlier." -- Rob P.

"I am amazed at the progress I have made paying down my debt/mortgage in less than a year. I am not a risk taker and would normally be leery of a program that promised to do what this one does. My only regret is that I did not enroll sooner." -- Alison M.

Get back to SUE at: 407-275-2956
For a limited time, your investment to join UFirst is just $99.


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