Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Look up "ubiquitous" in the dictionary and there is a picture of Mike there. Seriously.

Mike has a resume as long as your arm.... and longer than some of the bigger "names" in the business. He's a working actor, a motivational speaker and and all around "good egg."

Mike is a Connections member, though he lives in Atlanta, he visits Orlando often and has spoken at one of our EXPO events as part of his "Act To Win" coaching and speaking biz.

"Ubiquitous" doesn't cover how often you see Mikes face on TV. One night I was talking to Mike on the phone and at the same time I'm watching him on CSI Miami. Then, I hang up and a few minutes later I flipped a channel and there he was in a movie too. It wasn't "stereo" ...what do you call it when you hear the same voice from THREE different places?

Anyway... you can check out Mike's sites here... he is avail for public speaking or... call him if you have a great movie or TV role (he plays so many cops I think he brings his own uniform).

OH... and on Mike's "Act to Win" web site you can sign up for his free email newsletter... the "Call Sheet" ...with tips on how to be more successful at, well... anything!

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