Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Elizabeth Kuchinch, who I admire greatly, recommends you watch this video to understand how our monetary system really works.

I met Elizabeth and her husband Dennis last year, and since then Elizabeth has come on board with the company I work with (Worth Unlimited). Elizabeth and I are both dedicated to helping people make a better life for themselves, and financial security is key.

If you are wondering why our Economy is a house of cards waiting to come down, this will open your eyes.

It's important that we, as American's, start being better with our money. How much do YOU spend each month just to keep up with your debt? If you were debt free that money would be additional discretionary income for you. Simple, but we forget that.

Enjoy the video... Sue ;~)

Who IS Elizabeth?

You will understand Elizabeth Kucinich better if you answer one question. How many 18 year-olds do you know who leave their comfortable homes to travel alone to India to work with Mother Teresa's charity? Or another? How many 14 year-olds do you know who have lobbied their national legislature? Or a last one? How many 28-year olds do you know who have traveled to five continents to work on and organize humanitarian projects?

The answer to those questions give a sense of who Elizabeth Jane Kucinich and the dedication to service and social justice that drives her. To say that Mrs. Kucinich cares about humanity's problems is an understatement. It has been a central part of her life since she was a child. It led her to complete a BA in Religious Studies and Theology and an MA in international conflict analysis. It led her to find a life-partner Dennis Kucinich. Together they share the same vision: to provide leadership to a more peaceful world, to see the rights of all living beings and environmental sustainability as guiding principles.

Her life has been that of a peacemaker in the midst of poverty and war. The search for methods to alleviate suffering. The BA in Religious Studies and Theology and MA in International Conflict Analysis, mentioned earlier, came from the University of Kent, U.K. She has completed vocational training in U.N. Human Rights Fieldwork, disaster response, and in child protection. Elizabeth is also credentialed in conflict transformation studies through the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in Appreciative Inquiry at Case Western Reserve University, USA and in Peace and Reconciliation Studies at Coventry University, U.K. Before coming to America, Mrs. Kucinich was a volunteer British Red Cross refugee caseworker and a support worker for detained asylum seekers, while working for the 150 year old nonprofit organization, the Mission to Seafarers.

Mrs. Kucinich's work has taken many forms. She is engaged in policy and humanitarian issues such as human and animal rights as well as showing how businesses can be agents of positive change in the world. Elizabeth is actively involved in the Congressional Human Rights and Holistic Health Caucuses in the House of Representatives.

It was in India where she began to
develop strategies to (READ MORE)


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