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Health Care Reform - What do YOU think?

What do you think we should do with Health Care in this country?

Here is a dramatic video that show how our government is owned and controlled by big business... and in particular, the health care industry.

Health care is not only costing lives... it costs jobs as companies take more and more jobs overseas due to rising costs of health care benefits.

VIDEO: Friends, there are rare moments of clarity when we the people can see
through the veil of illusion designed to condition us into docile
inaction. For that reason this may be the MOST important alert we
will ever send.

There was such a moment this week, when Senator Max Baucus, chairman
of the Senate Finance Committee, having already preemptively excluded
any participation of a credible spokesperson for single payer health
care, laughingly joked "we need more police", when one qualified doctor and lawyer after another stood up to protest their exclusion from the debate.

Comments from the "Real News Network" on this video... "How many police does it take to silence the voice of the people?

That's a question a despot might ask in a totalitarian police state. But this week the Senate Finance Committee thought it was a hilarious joke as they ejected one brave activist after another, for protesting that not even one spokesperson for single payer health care was being allowed to sit at the hearing table. Yes, Senator Max Baucus (MT), who had preemptively declared that consideration of a single payer option was off the table, actually joked "We need more police." [1:58 on video] And the rest of the Senate panel just laughed their heads off.

Senator Chuck Grassley (IA), the ranking Republican, not to be outdone in his contempt for the people, then asked if there was "somewhere they can watch it on television [2:05 on video]," which elicted additional hearty guffaws. Yes, what a wonderful entertaining show that would be, the spectacle of the will of the people being excluded while corporate special interests, like butchers, carve up our pocketbooks and our bodies.

It's time for the U.S. Senate to get the message that we the people are not just a joke to be laughed off. Why is it that not ONE senator on that committee has the integrity to stand up for a even handed debate of health care issues? Why should any of them be elected to public office ever again?

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Comment: Does anyone care that we live in a police state? Senator Backus wants more police. He apparently fails to appreciate that he was elected to represent the people and not the corporate interests. Nothing in our constitution entitles corporations or lobbying organizations such as the Business Roundtable to representation by Congress.

Comment: Money is a failed system. Insurance is an evil scam which is destroying America ( U.S.A. ). The single-payer option is "not on the table" because the insurance industry would collapse if it were on the table.

Comment: I'm a 24 year old line cook and because of the recession, I now have no health care.

Comment: Canadian conservatives used the same kind of fear mongering when Tommy Douglas rose to power, we understand you guys are a little late to pick up good ideas (like the metric system lol) but this concerns peoples lives. Then again, what do nation states care for the lives of their citizens?


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