Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Dr. Howard Dean, Former Governor of Vermont on Health Care

Dr. Howard Dean is Former Governor of Vermont and explains what a "Public Option" means and why we need it.

It's boiling down to a fight between powerful insurance and pharmaceutical lobbies who want to maintain their obscene profits, and average American's who are dying, declaring bankruptcy, and going without, because of a lack of affordable health care options.

They system has been broken for a long time. Some say... we can fix the private system. But if they could... why haven't they done it already?

It's time to take the profits out of sickness and death and come up with a system that affords access to all our citizens.

The vast majority of American's are not happy with the current system, but powerful and rich lobbyists want us to think otherwise... they want to keep the status quo because it works... for THEM.

We are the ONLY industrialized nation that does not provide some kind of public option for health care.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. But if people die because they don't have health care access, if people are not free to leave a job they hate, in pursuit of happiness, because they can't afford to lose their health care, then I suggest that our current health care system is against our basic American value system.

Stand with Dr. Howard Dean and sign the petition for a public option...

Views: 17

Comment by Sue Copening on September 8, 2009 at 1:39pm
Comment by Sue Copening on September 8, 2009 at 1:59pm
Comment by Sue Copening on September 8, 2009 at 2:05pm


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