Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Thought I would share a tip with you today about one of the more
mental sides of a golf game.

Imagine yourself out on the course and you hit a bad shot. In all
likelihood you are not going to be a happy camper. Some of us might
even take this aggression out on the club slamming it to the ground
or chunking it across the field. Maybe even throwing in a few
keywords our mothers would be ashamed to hear come out of our
mouths. All of this just out of the frustration of one poor shot.

After this happens you might find yourself approaching your shot a
little bit differently often with a roaring temper. You may want to
take out every ounce of anger on that darn little ball that didn't
go where it was supposed to.

Here is where you should stop yourself, calm down for a second and
think your shot through.

After all you might have had one lousy shot, but if you do well on
this one could you could obviously make up for it. There is no
point in making your position any worse than it already might be.

Do what you need to do in order to calm down and refocus yourself.
Whether that means counting to ten or taking a couple of practice
swings to get you reoriented.

Just remember the next time you are out on the links and you hit a
poor shot to calm down and don't take your anger out on the ball.
Two poor shots is obviously worse than one bad shot.

Hope this helps you guys and gals out.


Glenn Ellis - Drivers Woods and More

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