Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Health Care - Don't fall for the lies...

The health insurance industry thinks you are stupid. They think we are ALL stupid. They are embarking on a multi million dollar campaign to capitalize on that stupidity... hoping we are too distracted by American Idol and Dancing with the Stars to pay attention to the millions of dollars they steal from us every year.

I don't have to tell you about the problems with our health care system. I know you know what is REALLY going on.

You know the statistics already. Health care costs are rising four times faster than wages. Medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy in America today and insurance costs are a big cause of why we are losing jobs overseas.

But here's a statistic you might not know:

94% of communities in this country don't have a competitive health insurance market. That means that in 94% of our communities, you can only choose between one, maybe two, health insurance plans (in Florida almost 50% of the market is currently controlled by either Blue Cross or Aetna). This insurance company monopoly is why your health care costs have skyrocketed.

The insurance industry is embarking on a crusade to spend millions (of your dollars) to quash any change and keep the status quo. They think American's are sheeple and too stupid to see through their lies. They think we don't know that we are the laughing stock of the world and the ONLY industrialized country in the world NOT to have a government paid (single payer) system.

Now... keep in mind that Obama's plan is NOT a "single payer" system, though it IS a step in the right direction, simply setting up a government insurance plan that will be open to ALL and that will foster more competition and competitive pricing. It's designed to change the system we have now... where 1/3 of your health care dollars go to multi million dollar CEO and executive bonuses, marketing, advertising and other costs which would be non-existant under a single payer system.

Obama's plan is the first STEP toward breaking the stranglehold that the insurance companies have on your wallets.

I've written a letter to the editors of my local papers, explaining how the insurance monopoly in my community has hurt my health and my wallet. Can you join me and write your own letter? Click below:

This must change.

With a public health insurance option, Congress could introduce competition into our communities overnight. And more importantly, Congress would be giving you and me a real choice, so we don't have to be left at mercy of private insurance any longer.

Click below to join me and write a letter to the editor of your local paper, asking them to stop monopolies and give us the choice of a public health insurance option:

With your help, we can get the word out about these shocking new statistics and make the case that we need real reform, and that means having a real choice.


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