Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Relationships are crucial to our way of life. Business relationships are important for referral streams, testimonials and our progression. Family relationships are sometimes challenging but important for values, beliefs, structure, boundaries, where we came from and a sense of belonging.
Friendships however can be the strongest relationships we develop over time, how many people do you know that you can call 'Friend' - we have many people in our lives but true friends are in my opinion crucial for survival.
Some of you already know that I have been coping with a back injury over the past weeks and it came to the point that I could not drive anywhere, carry anything, including my purse, and generally look after myself.
One of my friends came to live with me for 2 weeks to take care of all my needs and also drive me to my doctors' appointments and treatments. She kept me positive when I felt there was no hope of getting better. Extreme pain can do that to the most positive of people, and yes I am only human. She made sure I ate when I did not want to and to do my home treatments which are tedious and time consuming.
Several of my friends were calling, texting and emailing me daily to find out what they could do for me, so I had team of people getting my groceries, cleaning, picking up, driving me and even going to restaurants to pick up my favorite flatbread.:)
I would like to thank all of these friends without which, I know I would not be as far into my recovery, if it were not for them. (Recovery is still taking place)
In to-days busy lifestyle and constant rat race many of us do not take the time to appreciate our friends and really pay attention to those we know that may need a little love, encouragement and physical help.
Who do you know right now that could do with a little love, motivation, contact, their favorite food or just a chat?
It is a fact that human beings recover from illness much faster when they have people around them that love and care for them.
Cherish your friends, family and business relationships you never know when you might need them to survive.

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