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Fibromyalgia - find the answer and live pain free!

Fibromyalgia - find the answer and live pain free!

Tired of pain? Want something different? Did you even know that there is something that is proven to help Fibromyalgia, more than any drugs, injection, or surgery?!
Read now and get rid of Fibromyalgia once & for all!

If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, or you think you have FibroMyalgia Syndrome (FMS) – chances are you have tried to find help, with little success.
Fibromyalgia is often misdiagnosed by the medical community. Too many times, if the doctors can not figure out what is wrong with you or why you have all that pain, they “label” you with FMS if all else fails.

Fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic pain, aches, and tenderness throughout your body. Typically, it is accompanied by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Insomnia and digestive disorders.
Although the medical community has yet to find a definitive cause of FMS – medical research shows the 80-90% of all FMS sufferers have had past neck injuries and that the brainstem is involved somehow.
The problem remains, the while MD’s typically want to mask the symptoms of FMS with drugs and medications… if the root cause of the problem is not resolved, Fibromyalgia or whatever label you want to throw at it – will remain a problem.

We have the answer for you. We offer results.
Regardless if you have been diagnosed with FMS or not. We help your whole body get better – so whatever ‘label’ has been given to you by the medical community is not too important.
We do not treat the symptoms – but rather the root cause of the problem.
What we do is very different. We treat the nervous system, spine, muscles, and fascia. We do not use drugs or medications. We do not do surgery.
This is an all natural form of healthcare.
At our center – we have Advanced Chiropractic methods of treating the source of Fibromyalgia, with no cracking or popping ever!
This is a state-of-the-art form of Advanced Chiropractic based in brainstem neurology, that has a 90% success rate at helping Fibromyalgia!

Are you tired of drugs and medications that do not work?
Have you tried regular chiropractors that do not work, or is short term relief? Have you tried massage therapy that only has temporary relief at best?

We do a thorough consultation of your medical history. We do a complete neurological, spinal, and muscular exam – to figure out the root cause of your problem.
Since your nervous system controls every function in your body – we focus much of our attention on your nervous system, and know how to find “short circuits” in your nerves and correct them.

Everything we do is always gentle, safe, but extremely effective!
There is never any cracking or popping! This is very different than anything else in chiropractic or medicine.

This form of Advanced Chiropractic helps Fibromyalgia with 90% success – regardless of age, race, and sex.
Results speak for themselves and this specialized form of healthcare does not take too long before working and helping.
In most cases, people report improvements in the fibromyalgia pain, their sleep, their fatigue, their digestive issues… within a couple treatments!
Because we focus on the root cause of the problem (usually neurological, spinal, and muscular) – we help not only the pain, but sleep problems too. You will begin having more energy. If you do have digestive problems – those will get better too.

For Fibromyalgia – the choice is clear. Nothing (that we know of) – works even close to what we offer. While regular chiropractors typically have about 40-50% success rate with FMS, we offer you 90% success results!
While the MD’s help ‘mask’ symptoms with success, in about 40-50% of the cases, we offer you better results!
Plus no side effects from the harmful drugs and medications.

If you have Fibromyalgia pain – you now know that there is an answer available to you. If you are tired of pain and being tired – call now, and get pain-free and start living life the way it was meant to be! 407.677.8881

For much more information and details on what we do and offer, please visit our main website:

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