Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Curious? You Should Be About The Blastoff Network

Blastoff Communications is a brand new online platform that brings the best of the web into one easy to use home page that the user can access their favorite news, entertainment, sports, social networking, games, and more from. It is fully customizable and can be loaded with most of your favorite sites, like facebook, twitter, Hulu, AOL music, and much more.
It also has an amazing shopping mall featuring hundreds of the best online retailers such as i-tunes, travelocity, Target, Barnes & Noble, Zappos, Priceline, Walmart and hundreds of others. The concept is simple. The user will have the ability to access all of their favorite online websites and be able to shop online all from one easy to use platform. When they shop they save up to %15 on purchases and receive cash back on that purchase in the form of a check that they can use any way they like. More importantly, when they share this with friends in the form of an invite, they get paid a percentage of the shopping that all of their friends do down to 10 levels of separation! This viral networking could easily result in thousands of people in your downline literally overnight.
What is viral growth? Well it is growth based on exponential multiplication. Say for example you invited 3 people to join Blastoff the first day it goes live and they also invite 3 people and they also invite 3 people, and so on for 10 levels down. That totals out to be 59,049 people all of who likely will spend some money online over the next year. Even if they all spent only $100 and you received only 1 penny on every dollar spent, you do pretty well.

REMEMBER THIS IS FREE! No monthly fee, no upfront fee, no annual fee, no minimum purchase requirement, Nothing!

How do you get paid?
Blastoff will send you a check every month for the totals that have been processed for that month. At the end of the year you will receive a 1099 for your taxes.
How do you invite people?
Well, Blastoff has made this easy. You will be able to enter email addresses of friends and people you know and send them a simple invite to join. Again there is no obligation. You will be able to track your growth in the network manager that is included. You will also be able to track your income in your account area.
How do you get involved?
Currently it's in pre-launch status which means that there are only a select few of us who have been given exclusive marketing privileges starting Sept. 27, 2009 and going through Oct. 12, 2009. On Oct. 13, 2009 the opportunity will be opened up to the rest of the U.S. That means if you want to be ahead of the viral growth and maximize your potential downline network you will have to receive an invitation from someone who has the marketing rights for the first 2 weeks after launch. You may wait until after the exclusive period, but if this goes viral, you will want to be on the leading edge.

This sort of thing has been done before, what makes blastoff so different?
1. It's FREE. People that you invite have no financial obligation.
2. Blastoff has built a very nice, easy to use platform that folks will enjoy using and ultimately find something in the massive online shopping mall to buy. When this happens, you get paid.
3. It's easy to join. No complicated, frustrating forms here. It's fast and ready to go in minutes.
4. People will have their own subdomain "website" that they can pull up anywhere, anytime. Retention should be very good.

Most "Make Money Online" opportunities require an initial investment and require that you then somehow drive traffic to the pathetic site that you just purchased. Not so with this. It will grow virally and comes with the ability to make this happen built right into it.
The Blastoff network is coming and I expect it will hit like a hurricane. Don’t get left behind. Find out how you can get in NOW before the official launch at

For a preview and more information visit my blog at:
or If you would like an invitation to join before the day it goes live, to

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