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Book Trailers - The new way authors are promoting their books

"Book Trailers" are short videos used to promote books. With video being hotter then ever on the web, more and more authors are choosing to have a book trailer created to promote their works. A book trailer can range from a series of photos with graphics to an actual short video teaser to intrigue potential readers. Think "mini-movie." Once created, book trailers can appear on sites that promote authors as well as posted on numerous video sharing websites.

Keep in mind you want your book trailer to "entice" readers to purchase your book. Creating a short 30 second to one minute synopsis is the place to start. From there, a "book trailer producer" will be able to talk to you about the visual concept they think matches that synopsis. A solid voice over and great visuals with a link to where the book can be purchased can do a lot to help an author's sales.

For more information on having your own book trailer produced, call Vigon Productions at 407-341-1969. Check out the book trailers below.

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Views: 28

Comment by Sue Copening on August 8, 2009 at 11:06am
Great book trailer Suzie!

As you see... award winning writer, Daniel Asa Rose, is using a video to sell his book... "Larry's Kidney" (we have the cover on our site right now)... and he told me the videos do a fantastic job of getting folks interested in reading the book. I jokingly asked him if he didn't think it was a sign of the Apocalypse that writers were having to use movies to sell books and if it wasn't an indication of the "death of reading."

But Daniel said "No" ...that from what he's seen (and he has several young boys himself, that the merging of video and books is actually getting more kids TO read. Something about kids being so intrigued by movies and movie making, with videos being something they can do themselves, that it is getting them involved with the creative process, leading back to the story telling of a book and getting them interested in reading and even writing their own stories.

I know that with all the choices out there, and all the things that people COULD be spending their time on, that getting people to devote their precious free time to something in particular takes SALESMANSHIP, so I think that writers that use visual mediums like videos are very smart to do so... it puts them way ahead of their competition.


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