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97 reasons you should be drinking LIMU everyday. It will change you HEALTH.

1.Nutrients Easily Absorbed - Limu's 70+ vitamins and minerals are readily used by the body.

2. Strengthens Bones & Teeth - Limu from Tonga is rich in calcium.

3. Fights Depression - Tongan limu is also rich in magnesium, considered elemental in fighting depression.

4. Builds Healthier Blood - The limu plant absorbs iron from the Tongan South Pacific, crucial for optimal thyroid health.

5. Improves Thyroid Health - Limu absorbs zinc and iodine from the South Pacific, important for optimal thyroid health.

6. Alleviates Mood Disorders - Limu is a rich source of natural vitamins B1, B2, B12 and lecithin, helping battle symptoms of moodiness.

7. Like Nature's Perfect Food - Limu contains a unique polysaccharide called fucoidan, whose chemical makeup closely resembles human breast milk.

8. Resists Colds & Flu - Limu has more vitamin C than oranges.

9. Naturally Antibiotic - Limu's fucoidan has the same antibodies as human breast milk.

10. Strengthens Immune System - Limu's fucoidan stimulates production of vital immune cells, helping the body battle against bacteria, fungi, parasites and even cancer cells.

11. Protects Against Disease - Limu's glyconutrients encourage "natural killer" (NK) cells to fight diseases, enabling better protection from tissue breakdown.

12. Speeds Immune Response - Limu's glyconutrients also encourage NK cell and B cell regeneration, speeding up the body's immune response.

13. Stronger White Blood Cells - Glyconutrients in limu aid white blood cells to destroy infections microorganisms better.

14. Fights Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria - Limu's fucoidan has powerful immune-boosting components that can help bodies strengthen to fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

15. Relieves Meningitis Swelling

16. Relieves Earaches

17. Relieves Eye Inflammations

18. Relieves Gingivitis

19. Relieves Headaches

20. Relieves Pain

21. Relieves Sore Throat

22. Relieves Backaches

23. Relieves Toothaches

24. Relieves Boils

25. Relieves Arthritis

26. Relieves Prostate Swelling

27. Relieves Fibromyalgia

28. Immune System Booster - Limu's fucoidan can do what no synthetic drug can; fight bacteria while boosting the immune system, rather than weakening it.

29. Helps Fight Viruses - Limu's fucoidan increases the production of some types of interleukins and interferons secreted by immune cells (like T cells). This can be an exciting and effective treatment against viruses that cause hepatitis, chronic fatigue and even AIDS.

30. Herpes (Cold Sores) Relief - Fucoidan in limu may be beneficial for people who suffer from chronic viral infections, such as herpes or cytomegalovirus, which can cause miscarriages and birth defects.

31. Halts Viruses - Fucoidan has been shown to bind to enveloped viruses, interfering with their ability to attach to host cells and preventing replication.

32. Specialized Immune Support - Laboratory tests show fucoidan boosts the level of immune-defense cells specifically designed to attack invaders, rather than boosting random defense cells.

33. Reduces Fever

34. Relieves Mouth Sores

35. Alleviates Strep Infections

36. Minimizes Respiratory Infections

37. Lessons Allergies - Limu's fucoidan may lessen allergic reactions by stimulating interleukin 12 and intereron-fA production, proteins that suppress IgE production. Too much IgE can cause sneezing, wheezing and nasal inflammation.

38. Relieves Allergic Inflammation - Limu's fucoidan has anti-inflammatory properties that can also help reduce discomfort of allergies and skin disorders.

39. Alleviates Sinusitis - Limu's anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties can alleviate sinusitis conditions.

40. Reduces Congestion - Limu's mucilage helps the body hold moisture, which can reduce congestion.

41. Lowers Cholesterol - The laboratory of Lipid Chemistry in Okojama, Japan, collected data showing fucoidan alters the activity of liver enzymes that control how fatty acids are metabolized, resulting in lower cholesterol blood levels. These findings were published in Journal of Nutrition in 1999.

42. Improves Blood Pressure - Studies show limu's fucoidan improves blood pressure levels.

43. Breaks Down Dangerous Cells - A Japanese study showed fucoidan causes DNA in individual cancer cells to self destruct. This is a process known as "apoptosis," a protective mechanism that helps keep many cancer free.

44. Slows Tumor Growth - Laboratory studies show that fucoidan effectively blocks the G1 cell division, discouraging the growth of malignant tumors in tests using human bronchopulmonary carcinoma cells.

45. Inhibits Malignant Cells - Limu's fucoidan stimulates production of interleukin and interferon compounds, inhibiting malignant cell growth. Its lamarin also has anti-cancer compounds.

46. Few Side Effects - Doctors in Japan believe fucoidan supplementation is effective and relatively free of side effects in treating colon and lung cancer as well as leukemia.

47. Inhibits Cancer Cell Growth - Limu's fucoidan helps the immune surveillance system recognize and inhibit cancer cell growth.

48. Prevents Carcinogenic Transformation - Limu compounds can prevent transformation of phospholipids to carcinogenic substances.

49. Prevents Carcinogenic Bowel Flora - Limu's compounds inhibit the creation of carinogenic flora in the bowel.

50. Reduces Cancer Risk - The limu plant has compounds that help reduce the risk of certain cancers by reducing plasma cholesterol.

51. Improves Hormone Levels - A combination of soy and limu's fucoidan affects hormone levels in postmenopausal women.

52. Works With Soy - Researchers at the University of South Carolina believe their study demonstrates that soy and fucoidan work together, possibly protecting against malignant breast tumor formation.

53. Protects from Steroids - Limu helps reduce steroid binding to breast tissue.

54. Protects Breast Tissue - Limu helps protect breast tissue against pollutants and toxins.

55. Contributes to Breast Health - Limu supplies vital trace minerals that help protect breast tissue.

56. Alleviates Bladder Infections

57. Reduces Yeast Infections

58. Alleviates Premenstrual Distress- Limu is a rich source of vitamins B1, B2 and B12, helping battle symptoms of moodiness.

59. Balances Blood Sugar - Limu's fucoidan can slow the glucose infusion into the bloodstream, helping keep blood sugar levels stable.

60. Prevents Insulin Over-Response - Fucoidan's effect on glucose can help prevent excessive insulin responses in diabetics, reducing the chance of hypoglycemia.

61. Improves GI Functions - Consistent fucoidan supplementation resulted in improved function of the upper gastrointestinal tract, according to studies conducted in Tokyo.

62. Prevents Ulcers - The Yukult Central Institute for Microbiological Research reported C-fucoidan prevented the attachment of ulcer-causing bacteria to stomach-lining cells.

63. Relieves Peritonitis - Limu's fucoidan presence may prevent inflammation-causing white cells from migrating to the stomach lining, helping reduce inflammation.

64. Alleviates Constipation - Limu's mucilage helps the body hold moisture, which can reduce constipation.

65. Helps with Colon Diseases

66. Reduces Indigestion - See Reason #61

67. Improves Stroke Damage - Limu's fucoidan has strong anti-inflammatory properties that may help minimize brain damage and memory impairment in stroke sufferers, when taken in repeated dosages.

68. Lower Stroke Risk - There is evidence limu's fucoidan discourages blood clot formation, lowering the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The Department of Surgical Sciences in Stockholm concluded that the anti-coagulating properties of fucoidan are more potent than the commonly prescribed heparin.

69. Helps Prevent Blood Clots - Limu's lamarin is anti-clotting compound.

70. Aids Liver Repair - Fucoidan stimulates better liver-cell regeneration and tissue replacement.

71. Stimulates Tissue Replacement - Fucoidan stimulates tissue replacement in other organs, too, such as the skin. This is especially important for those chronically ill or recovering from surgery, an accident or burns.

72. Helps Cope With Stress - Limu can help the body cope with stress by keeping it supplied with restorative compounds and minerals.

73. Naturally Detoxifies - Limu's alginate is a natural detoxifier.

74. Reduces Chronic Fatigue - Limu's wide assortment of nutrients may eliminate symptoms of this little-understood disease.

75. Repairs Skin - Japanese scientists reported in Biological Pharmacology Bulletin that fucoidan boosts the production of the integrin protein, which helps increase skin repair.

76. Boosts Wound Healing - The same report emphasizes fucoidan promotes the contraction of collagen gel, boosting healing.

77. Speed Skin Healing - Laboratory tests suggest compounds in limu shorten the skin-cell-replacement cycle, causing skin to heal faster and wrinkle more slowly.

78. Hydrates Hair - Limu's alginic acid helps it resist drying from sun exposure, making it ideal for cosmetic and hair treatment products.

79. Helps Skin Retain Moisture - Limu's mucilage provides protection for delicate membranes and helps hold moisture. This can help discourage skin dryness.

80. Improves Moisture Absorption - Mucilage provides protection for delicate membranes and helps hold moisture. This can help discourage skin dryness.

81. Firms Skin - Limu's mucilage contributes to making the skin form and resilient.

82. Strengthens Hair, Nails, Skin - Limu's mucilage can strengthen hair, nails an skin.

83. Prevents Wrinkles - Mucilage in limu can help prevent wrinkles and aid in healing by boosting skin regeneration.

84. Restore Hair - Externally applied limu poultices, gels and compresses, combined with internal supplements, may aid hair restoration from loss due to chemotherapy or radiation treatments.

85. Breaks Down Fat - Lecithin in limu may help break down fatty deposits under the skin.

86. Satisfies Appetite - The high mucilage content of limu helps satisfy hunger.

87. Eliminates Cravings - With limu's balance of nutrients, food cravings are often eliminated.

88. Thyroid Stimulation - The iodine in limu can stimulate an underactive thyroid, which has been linked to slower metabolism and weight gain.

89. Improves Metabolism - Limu's organic iodine supports metabolism function.

90. Helps Reduce Obesity - As limu helps stabilize blood sugars, food can be used as energy rather than stored as fat.

91. Reduces Hyperactivity - Amino acids and polyphenols (anti-oxidants) in limu are able to bind to heavy metals in the urinary tract, preventing their build-up in the bloodstream. Heavy metals have been linked to learning disorders and hyperactivity in children.

92. Prevents and Treats Liver Problems - Fucoidan can significantly enhance the production of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), which stimulates regeneration of liver cells. This may help prevent hepatitis and treat cirrhosis and liver failure.

93. Aids Proper Scar Formation - Fucoidan's effect on HGF boosts production of skin cells, and the HGF protein is vital to scar formation.

94. Improves Tissue Healing - HGF boosts tissue healing by inhibiting the prevention of regeneration, so it may challenge degenerative diseases such as diabetes and atherosclerosis.

95. Improves Joint Health - Fucoidan's effect on HGF boosts cartilage regeneration.

96. Treats Heart Disease - HGF increases production of heart-muscle cells, which may help treat pulmonary fibrosis.

97. Slows Aging - Studies show HGF slows the deterioration associated with aging by inhibiting a substance in the body that prevents the regeneration of tissue.

To learn more about this AMAZING health discovery check out my website at

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