Connections Groups

The Business Networking & Social Organization for Central Florida

Mei sat in a dimly lit building struggled to stay alert, amazed that hadn’t passed out by now. Her strength had returned, and she lifted her head looking over at Thomas. He stood smug looking down at her. Another contraction came as Mei screamed in pain. Instinctively she wanted to curl into the fetal position but her arms had been tied behind her back. Her legs were tied to each leg of the chair. Blood from her head injury blinded her eyes. A dirty cloth was tied tightly around her mouth causing the sides of her mouth to tear.
“Perfect timing, soon I will bring your baby into the world and let you watch as I kill him, then am going to kill you slowly." Thomas growled he was unrecognizable he looked like a mad man.
Mei began to cry; she knew something bad was going to happen with meeting her mom for lunch. She believed that it was a set up from her mother. Mei never would think her mother was capable of something like this but what was she to think now. Why would Thomas snatch her from the same restaurant they were at? He had perfect timing dragging her from the booth and shoving a gun in her side. Mei could only think about saving her baby at all cost.

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